Posts tagged claims management
My role as a Claims Advocate is to empower employers to manage their Workers’ Comp claims

In my years of managing claims and working with large and small, private and public employer, I notice a correlation between the level of engagement by the employer with their claim administrator and with their employee in the mitigation of cost. Read more from ESM’s Principal Claims Advocate Khai Sim.

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Why allocation is important to large deductible and self-insured employers

Recently, ESM was successful in assisting an excess carrier reached an amicable agreement with an employer in resolving a pending allocation on multiple claims for an injured employee that was first reported to the excess carrier over a decade ago. Click below to find out why allocation is important to large deductible and self-insured employers.

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Three Steps to Avoiding LC 132(a) and S&W Penalties

When it comes to the California Workers’ Compensation system, it is much easier to avoid penalizing situations than it is to fight them.  So, how do we avoid getting slapped with costly penalties?  There are three steps:  Understand the Labor Codes driving your exposure, come up with a plan of action to avoid the exposure and implement it. Click to read more.

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Legal “Double Dipping” Costs Employers

Lately, we have seen an uptick with a Compromise & Release (C&R) Workers’ Compensation Claims. With a C&R the injured employee receives a lump sum amount that includes a buyout of all future medical care. The carrier is “released” of all future exposure.  However, if the employee is still employed, they can file another subsequent claim with the same employer. Even if it is to the same body part, medical care cannot be apportioned. There can only be apportionment to the Permanent Disability portion of the Award.

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